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審決分類 審判 査定不服 商6条一商標一出願 取り消して登録 W093642
管理番号 1380051 
審判番号 不服2020-650056 
総通号数 264 
発行国 日本国特許庁(JP) 
公報種別 商標審決公報 
発行日 2021-12-24 
種別 拒絶査定不服の審決 
審判請求日 2020-12-21 
確定日 2021-10-04 
事件の表示 国際登録第1426542号に係る国際商標登録出願の拒絶査定に対する審判事件について、次のとおり審決する。 
結論 原査定を取り消す。 本願商標は、登録すべきものとする。
理由 1 手続の経緯
本願は、2018年(平成30年)4月28日にUnited Kingdomにおいてなされた商標登録出願に基づいてパリ条約第4条による優先権を主張し、同年5月4日に国際商標登録出願されたものであって、その手続の経緯は以下のとおりである。
2019年(令和元年) 9月26日付け :暫定拒絶通報
2020年(令和2年) 5月20日付け :拒絶査定
2020年(令和2年)12月21日 :審判請求書の提出
2 本願商標
3 原査定の拒絶の理由(要旨)
4 当審の判断
別掲 別掲(本願商標の指定商品及び指定役務)
第9類 Computer software;computer software for productivity programmes or end-user programmes;computer software,including application software,for the provision of banking,financial and equity trading services;computer software,including application software,for electronic financial exchanges;computer software including application software,for automated methods of moving money,financial orders and financial instruments;computer software,including application software,to facilitate electronic contactless payments;computer software,including application software for payments via a mobile device at a point of sale;computer software,including application software for automated banking;computer software including application software to handle electronic payments via prepaid cards,wireless wallets,mobile wallets,electronic wallets,wireless credit,debit and prepaid cards;application software;computer software to run terminals running near field communication(NFC)technology;computer software,including application software,for bank account management services,monetary transfer services,payment services,financial analysis,financial reports and financial management services;computer software including application software for foreign currency exchange services,financial orders or exchanges;computer software for use in displaying and managing financial product portfolios and orders;electronic downloadable publications,newsletters,magazines,periodicals,pamphlets and leaflets;magnetic and machine readable cards being encoded or capable of being encoded;encoded magnetic cards for obtaining and storing information;encoded magnetic cards used for authorization purposes,encoded magnetic cards used for authentication purposes,credit cards;debit cards;magnetic cheque guarantee cards,smart cards;integrated circuit memory cards for use in virtual money;encoded loyalty cards;payment or pre-payment cards;computer hardware;computer hardware for the provision of banking,financial and equity trading services;computer hardware for electronic financial exchanges;computer hardware to facilitate moving money,financial orders and financial instruments;computer hardware to facilitate electronic contactless payments;computer hardware being a mobile device to handle electronic payments via prepaid cards,wireless wallets,mobile wallets,electronic wallets,wireless credit,debit and prepaid cards;computer hardware to run terminals running near field communication(NFC)technology;parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods.
第36類 Financial consultancy;financial evaluation[insurance,banking,real estate];financial management;banking services;payment services;provision of electronic contactless payment services;processing of secure payment transactions and providing payment options using a mobile device at a point of sale;monetary transfer services;automated banking services;processing electronic payments made through prepaid cards;electronic processing and transmission of credit card transactions,wireless wallets,mobile wallets,electronic wallets,wireless credit,debit and prepared card transactions;processing financial transactions via terminal services using near field communication(NFC)technology;private banking services;home,internet and mobile banking services;securities trading,transactions and exchange services;issuing of credit cards,debit cards,charge cards,payment cards,transaction cards,financial and loan cards;issuing of magnetic data carriers and authentication cards for financial transactions;issuing of authentication cards(for payment transactions);financial services,namely,credit cards services,debit cards services,charge card services,payment cards services,pre-payment cards services,transaction and loyalty cards;guarantee assurance underwriting;private equity financial investment services;trading of equities,financial derivatives,securities index futures,stocks,shares,equity swaps and securities options;foreign exchange and currency exchange services;foreign exchange brokerage;provision of stock market information;safe deposit services;bankers’ clearing services;escrow services;insurance services;financing of loans;loans(financial)against security;investment management services;capital investment services;trustee services;services of brokers and agents(for bonds and other securities);financial analysis,research and reporting services;financial management;advice,consultancy and information services relating to all of the aforesaid services.
第42類 Computer programming services;design and development of computer software and hardware;design and development of computer software and hardware for productivity programmes or end-user programmes,including application software;design,development and maintenance of proprietary computer software in the field of financial services;rental of computer hardware and software apparatus and equipment;website hosting services;hosting computer software applications for others;providing temporary use of non-downloadable software including application software;providing temporary use of computer software and online facilities to enable users to access and download computer software;providing information in the field of computer software development for software developers;maintenance,repair and updating of computer software,computer operating system software,computer utility software including application software;providing information about the design and development of computer software via the Internet and other computer and electronic communication networks;troubleshooting of computer software problems[technical support];advice,consultancy and information services relating to all of the aforesaid services.
審理終結日 2021-09-14 
結審通知日 2021-09-16 
審決日 2021-09-28 
国際登録番号 1426542 
審決分類 T 1 8・ 91- WY (W093642)
最終処分 成立  
前審関与審査官 瀬戸 俊晶小林 正和 
特許庁審判長 半田 正人
特許庁審判官 大森 友子
水落 洋
商標の称呼 クリプトバック 
代理人 特許業務法人RIN IP Partners 
代理人 藤田 雅彦 

プライバシーポリシー   セキュリティーポリシー   運営会社概要   サービスに関しての問い合わせ