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審決分類 審判 査定不服 商3条柱書 業務尾記載 取り消して登録 W070937
管理番号 1415571 
総通号数 34 
発行国 JP 
公報種別 商標審決公報 
発行日 2024-10-25 
種別 拒絶査定不服の審決 
審判請求日 2024-03-29 
確定日 2024-08-19 
事件の表示 国際登録第1652918号に係る国際商標登録出願の拒絶査定に対する不服審判事件について、次のとおり審決する。 
結論 原査定を取り消す。 本願商標は、登録すべきものとする。
理由 1 本願商標及び手続の経緯
2 原査定の拒絶の理由の要点
3 当審の判断
別掲 別掲 本願の補正後の指定商品及び指定役務
第7類「Parts of metalworking machines for suppressing blasts and decoupling, in particular nozzles for introducing and/or disseminating extinguishing powders in containers and/or pipelines; pressure relief valves and decoupling valves being parts of machines; all the aforesaid goods included in this class.」
第9類「Measuring equipment; regulating equipment, electric; electrical controlling equipment; monitoring equipment; signal transmitters; pressure control equipment for blast suppression, used for monitoring and/or controlling and/or for protection against excessive pressure and/or explosions; control panels [parts of pressure control equipment] for suppressing blasts, decoupling and for explosion protection, in particular for toxic substances, dust, gases and hybrid mixtures; spray nozzles for fire extinguishing apparatus; safety devices [parts of pressure control equipment] for controlling and monitoring and/or for protection against excessive pressure and/or explosions; all the aforesaid goods included in this class; control panels [parts of pressure control equipment] and power distribution panels for explosion protection; cabinets and stands especially adapted for fire extinguishing apparatus for the use with fire extinguishing preparations; spray nozzles for fire extinguishing apparatus for the use with fire extinguishing preparations.」
第37類「Maintenance of pressure relief valves and decoupling valves of metal, being parts of machines, in particular being equipment for suppressing blasts and for structural explosion protection; maintenance of metal nozzles for fire extinguishing apparatus; maintenance of industrial packaging containers of metal and/or pipelines of metal; maintenance of parts of pressure control machines for suppressing blasts and decoupling, in particular nozzles for introducing and/or disseminating extinguishing powders in containers and/or pipelines; maintenance of pressure control devices for explosion protection; maintenance of containers for extinguishing preparations; maintenance of pressure relief valves and decoupling valves as machine components; maintenance of measuring equipment, regulating equipment, electric, electrical controlling equipment and monitoring equipment; maintenance of signal transmitters; maintenance of pressure control equipment for blast suppression, used for monitoring and/or controlling and/or for protection against excessive pressure and/or explosions; maintenance of devices [parts of pressure control equipment] for suppressing blasts, decoupling and for explosion protection, in particular for toxic substances, dust, gases and hybrid mixtures; maintenance of safety devices [parts of pressure control equipment] for controlling and monitoring and/or for protection against excessive pressure and/or explosions; repair of pressure relief valves and decoupling valves of metal, being parts of machines, in particular being equipment for suppressing blasts and for explosion protection; repair of metal nozzles for fire extinguishing apparatus; repair of industrial packaging containers of metal and/or pipelines of metal; repair of parts of pressure control machines for suppressing blasts and decoupling, in particular nozzles for introducing and/or disseminating extinguishing powders in containers and/or pipelines; maintenance of pressure control devices for explosion protection; repair of containers for extinguishing preparations; repair of pressure relief valves and decoupling valves as machine components; repair of measuring equipment, regulating equipment, electric, electrical controlling equipment and monitoring equipment; repair of signal transmitters; repair of pressure control equipment for blast suppression, used for monitoring and/or controlling and/or for protection against excessive pressure and/or explosions; repair of devices [parts of pressure control equipment] for suppressing blasts, decoupling and for explosion protection, in particular for toxic substances, dust, gases and hybrid mixtures; repair of safety devices [parts of pressure control equipment] for controlling and monitoring and/or for protection against excessive pressure and/or explosions.」
審理終結日 2024-07-24 
結審通知日 2024-07-30 
審決日 2024-08-13 
国際登録番号 1652918 
審決分類 T 1 8・ 18- WY (W070937)
最終処分 01   成立
特許庁審判長 旦 克昌
特許庁審判官 阿曾 裕樹
山根 まり子
商標の称呼 キュウビック、ビック、ビイアイシイ 
代理人 アインゼル・フェリックス=ラインハルト 
代理人 山崎 和香子 
代理人 松永 章吾 
代理人 前川 砂織 
代理人 大倉 桂子 
代理人 前川 純一 
代理人 岡野 真未子 
代理人 森田 拓 

プライバシーポリシー   セキュリティーポリシー   運営会社概要   サービスに関しての問い合わせ