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審決分類 審判 査定不服 外観類似 取り消して登録 W36
管理番号 1394148 
総通号数 14 
発行国 JP 
公報種別 商標審決公報 
発行日 2023-02-24 
種別 拒絶査定不服の審決 
審判請求日 2022-05-19 
確定日 2023-01-27 
事件の表示 商願2021− 2974拒絶査定不服審判事件について、次のとおり審決する。 
結論 原査定を取り消す。 本願商標は、登録すべきものとする。
理由 第1 本願商標及び手続の経緯

第2 引用商標

第3 原査定の拒絶の理由の要旨

第4 当審の判断
1 商標法第4条第1項第11号の該当性について
本願商標は、上記第1のとおり、「FINDERS」の欧文字を横書きしてなるところ、「finder」の文字が、「発見者、[写真]ファインダー、[天文]見出し望遠鏡」(「ランダムハウス英和大辞典 第2版」株式会社小学館発行)等、複数の意味を有する英語であるとしても、その意味合いを含めて我が国で親しまれた外来語とまではいえないから、語尾に「S」が付されていることも相まって、その構成文字全体からは具体的な意味合いまでは直ちに認識、理解できない。
3 まとめ





第9類「Databases (electronic publications); electronic publications (downloadable); downloadable image files; downloadable electronic publications in the nature of directories.」
第35類「Price comparison services; price analysis services; pricing surveys; surveys (opinion polling); compilation of commercial information; commercial information services provided by access to a computer database; marketing analysis; computerised database management; dissemination of business information; dissemination of commercial information; business advice; commercial information and advice for consumers (consumer advice shop); business management advice, marketing research for price quotations (for others); arranging subscriptions to telecommunication services (for others); collection of information relating to market analysis; collection of information relating to market research; compilation and provision of online directories; business management advisory services; business management consultancy; business administration; administration of business affairs; office functions; commercial business management; business organization and management of discount services.」
第36類「Financial evalution [insurance, banking, real estate]; financial management; financial advice; provision of information relating to financial analyses; financial evaluations; advisory services relating to (financial) risk management; advisory services relating to financial investment; advisory services relating to financial matters; advisory services relating to financial planning; agencies for financial consultancy, financial evalution [insurance, banking, real estate] and financial management; financial appraisals for financial valuation; collection of financial information; conducting financial feasibility studies; consultation services relating to financial matters; economic financial research services; financial advisory services; financial advisory services for companies; financial advisory services for individuals; financial assessments; financial asset management; financial assistance for organizations, individuals; financial banking; financial brokerage; financial business appraisals; financial clearing house service; financial consultancy; financial consultation services; financial credit scoring services; provision of financial information through a computer database; financial economic advisory services; financial economic analysis; financial evaluation (insurance, banking, real estate); providing information, including online, about insurance, financial consultancy, financial evaluation [insurance, banking, real estate], financial management, capital investments, exchange money, fund investments, securities brokerage, stocks and bonds brokerage, and real estate affairs; provision of information relating to mortgages; provision of credit information; financial analysis; housing agency services; consultancy services relating to personal finance; consultancy services relating to investment; insurance advice; insurance consultancy; insurance information; insurance information, in particular insurance research; insurance services; information services relating to insurance; mortgage and savings services; provision of investment savings plans; savings account services; savings bank services; savings account services; advice regarding credit; advice regarding money lending services; advice relating to insurance; advice relating to investments; advice relating to loan recovery services; advice relating to mortgages for residential properties; financial advice; independent financial planning advice; provision of online financial calculators; advisory services relating to investment finance.」
第39類「Advisory services relating to travel; provision of travel information; travel arrangement.」
第41類「Sports information services.」
第42類「Research into new products; research and development of products.」


第9類「Databases (electronic publications); electronic publications (downloadable); downloadable image files; downloadable electronic publications in the nature of directories.」
第35類「Price comparison services; price analysis services; pricing surveys; surveys (opinion polling); compilation of commercial information; commercial information agencies concerning by access to a computer database; marketing analysis; computerised database management; dissemination of business information; dissemination of commercial information; business advice; commercial information and advice for consumers (consumer advice shop); business management advice; arranging price quotations (for others); arranging subscriptions to telecommunication services (for others); collection of information relating to market analysis; collection of information relating to market research; compilation and provision of online business directories; business management advisory services; business management consultancy; business administration; administration of business affairs; office functions; commercial business management; business organization and management of discount services.」
第36類「Financial consultancy; financial evaluation [insurance, banking, real estate]; provision of information relating to financial analyses; financial evaluations; financial management; advisory services relating to (financial) risk management; advisory services relating to financial investment; advisory services relating to financial matters; advisory services relating to financial planning; agencies for financial consultancy, financial evaluation [insurance, banking, real estate] and financial management; financial appraisals for financial valuation; collection of financial information; conducting financial feasibility studies; consultation services relating to financial matters; economic financial research services; financial advisory services; financial advisory services for companies; financial advisory services for individuals; financial assessments; financial asset management; financial assistance for organisations and individuals; financial banking; financial brokerage; financial business appraisals; financial clearing house service; financial consultancy; financial consultation services; financial credit scoring services; financial economic advisory services; financial economic analysis; financial evaluation (insurance, banking, real estate); providing information, including online, about insurance, financial consultancy, financial evaluation [insurance, banking, real estate], financial management, capital investments, exchange money, fund investments, securities brokerage, stocks and bonds brokerage, and real estate affairs; provision of information relating to mortgages; provision of credit information; financial analysis; housing agency services; consultancy services relating to personal finance; consultancy services relating to investment; insurance advice; insurance consultancy; insurance information; insurance investigations; insurance services; information services relating to insurance; mortgage and savings services; provision of investment savings plans; savings account services; savings bank services; savings account services; advice regarding credit; advice regarding money lending services; advice relating to insurance; advice relating to investments; advice relating to loan recovery services; advice relating to mortgages for residential properties; financial advice; independent financial planning advice; provision of online financial calculators; advisory services relating to investment finance.」
第39類「Advisory services relating to travel; provision of travel information; travel arrangement.」
第41類「Sports information services.」
第42類「Research to develop new products; research and development of products.」

(この書面において著作物の複製をしている場合のご注意) 特許庁は、著作権法第42条第2項第1号(裁判手続等における複製)の規定により著作物の複製をしています。取扱いにあたっては、著作権侵害とならないよう十分にご注意ください。
審決日 2023-01-17 
出願番号 2021002974 
審決分類 T 1 8・ 261- WY (W36)
最終処分 01   成立
特許庁審判長 矢澤 一幸
特許庁審判官 阿曾 裕樹
小田 昌子
商標の称呼 ファインダーズ 
代理人 高橋 三雄 
代理人 高橋 大典 

プライバシーポリシー   セキュリティーポリシー   運営会社概要   サービスに関しての問い合わせ