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審決分類 審判 査定不服 商6条一商標一出願 取り消して登録 W030914182535
審判 査定不服 商3条柱書 業務尾記載 取り消して登録 W030914182535
管理番号 1339329 
審判番号 不服2016-650036 
総通号数 221 
発行国 日本国特許庁(JP) 
公報種別 商標審決公報 
発行日 2018-05-25 
種別 拒絶査定不服の審決 
審判請求日 2016-08-25 
確定日 2018-02-21 
事件の表示 国際登録第1249362号に係る国際商標登録出願の拒絶査定に対する審判事件について,次のとおり審決する。 
結論 原査定を取り消す。 本願商標は,登録すべきものとする。
理由 1 本願商標
その後,その指定商品及び指定役務については,当審における2016年(平成28年)12月19日付けで国際登録簿に記録された限定の通報があった結果,最終的に,第3類「Essential oils,hair oils,talcum powder and beauty creams,Vaseline,soaps;detergents other than for use in manufacturing operations and for medical purposes;tooth paste,shampoos,body washes,face washes,shaving creams,after shave lotions,hair lotions,ethereal essence,badian essence and mint essence,potpourris[fragrances]and perfumery products,bath gels,bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use;cleaning,polishing,scouring and abrasive preparations;dentifrices being goods included in this class.」,第9類「Sunglasses,glasses,frames for glasses;headphones,USB drives,magnetic data carriers namely dongles;data cards,namely data communications apparatus for Internet access;tablets,eyeglass cases and eyeglass chains;telecommunication apparatus,parts and accessories;carrying cases for digital audio players;wireless devices for transmitting and receiving data;telephones,electric regulating apparatus,computer;computers,computer programmes,computers and computer peripherals,floppy disks,computer software,computer hardware;computer hardware for parts and accessories.」,第14類「Watches,clocks,timepieces,components and parts thereof,horological instruments;cuff links;precious metals and their alloys;jewellery,costume jewellery,precious stones and ornaments[jewellery];imitation jewellery being goods included in this class.」,第18類「Leather and imitations of leather;leather purses,leather bags,travelling bags,sports bags,hand bags,shoulder bags,school bags,briefcases,shopping bags;trunks;suitcases,wallets,articles made from leather,namely bags of leather;skins,hides;umbrellas,parasols and walking sticks;whips,harness,saddlery;leather,unworked or semi-worked;imitation leather;stirrup leathers;girths of leather;chin straps,of leather;bags[envelopes,pouches]of leather,for packaging;leather leads;bags;tool bags of leather,empty.」,第25類「Clothing and wearing apparel of all sorts including hosiery,inner wear,undergarments,footwear,headgear,sportswear and kidswear;caps,socks,t-shirts,shirts,trousers,suits,blazers,neckties,belts(clothing),ready-made garments,windcheaters,scarves,stoles being goods included in this class;waist belts,gloves,jackets,belts of leather[clothing].」及び第35類「Retail services or wholesale services for clothing;the bringing together,for the benefit of others,of a variety of the aforementioned goods thereby enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those good in a mall,store,retail outlet(excluding the transport thereof)enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase the aforesaid goods(other than retail and wholesale services);organising exhibitions.」となったものである。
2 原査定の拒絶の理由
3 当審の判断
別掲 【別記】

審決日 2018-02-05 
国際登録番号 1249362 
審決分類 T 1 8・ 91- WY (W030914182535)
T 1 8・ 18- WY (W030914182535)
最終処分 成立  
前審関与審査官 駒井 芳子 
特許庁審判長 早川 文宏
特許庁審判官 平澤 芳行
阿曾 裕樹
商標の称呼 ビーイングヒューマン 
代理人 木村 満 
代理人 松嶋 さやか 
代理人 椎名 智子 
代理人 吉松 こず恵 

プライバシーポリシー   セキュリティーポリシー   運営会社概要   サービスに関しての問い合わせ