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審決分類 審判 査定不服 商4条1項11号一般他人の登録商標 取り消して登録 X091635364143
審判 査定不服 商3条柱書 業務尾記載 取り消して登録 X091635364143
管理番号 1239985 
審判番号 不服2009-650123 
総通号数 140 
発行国 日本国特許庁(JP) 
公報種別 商標審決公報 
発行日 2011-08-26 
種別 拒絶査定不服の審決 
審判請求日 2009-09-08 
確定日 2011-06-08 
事件の表示 国際登録第953507号商標に係る国際商標登録出願の拒絶査定に対する審判事件について、次のとおり審決する。 
結論 原査定を取り消す。 本願商標は、登録すべきものとする。
理由 1 本願商標
その後、指定商品及び指定役務については、原審における平成21年3月9日付け手続補正書並びに当審における2009年(平成21年)8月20日及び2010年(平成22年)6月16日に国際登録簿に記録された限定の通報により限定され、さらに、本審決と同日付で第35類の指定商品中「rental of advertising space.」について、標章の国際登録に基づくマドリッド協定及び同協定の議定書に基づく共通規則第27規則(5)(a)に基づく限定が効力を有しない旨の宣言がされた結果、最終的に別掲2のとおりの商品及び役務となったものである。
2 原査定の拒絶の理由の要点
3 当審の判断
別掲 【別記】

2 本願指定商品及び指定役務
第9類「Automatic dispensers;electronic publications.」
第16類「Paper and cardboard (unprocessed,semi-processed or for stationery or printing purposes);printed matter;packaging cartons,printed matter and printed matter for advertising purposes;brochures;catalogues;pictures;print;posters and advertising posters,advertisement boards of paper or cardboard;paper pennants;paper flags;prospectuses,handouts,reviews,publications,newspapers and periodicals;books,booklets,printing blocks;photographs;printers’ type;payment orders in the form of tickets or coupons of paper.」
第35類「Efficiency experts and business information;business organization and management consultancy;consulting for compiling a supplier data base;administrative support for the writing of project specifications;administrative support for the management of calls for tenders,administrative support for analysis of replies from suppliers;opinion polling;business inquiries;research for business purposes;business management;business administration;office functions;efficiency experts;economic forecasts;market research;business projects assistance (business management);business information provided by consultants working in contact centres by phone,electronic mail or fax;information research in computer files for third parties;data compilation and systematization in a database;computer file management;monitoring and processing of data,signals,images and information processed by computer;compilation of a photo library,namely collection,compilation and systematization of images in a central file;advertising services pertaining to the organization and management of hotel establishments;advertising at points of sale;distribution of brochures,samples,publicity items such as T-shirts and other articles of clothing and accessories,small leather goods,lighters,umbrellas,spectacles,bath towels,dressing gowns,golf balls,computer accessories;promotional and advertising measures;dissemination of advertisements and advertising material;publication of advertising texts;dissemination of advertising information or messages by telephone,computer terminals or via the press;market research;advertising mailing;sales promotion for others;development or assistance in the development of marketing plans and strategies,commercial information agency;updating of advertising material;advertising by mail order;radio advertising;television advertising;organization of shows for commercial or advertising purposes;organization of exhibitions for commercial purposes;rental of advertising material;retail services of clothing,leather footwear,leather bags,leather pouches;administrative advice regarding organization in the field of financial products intended for employees and shareholders;administrative management of hotels;business management assistance and business organization and management consultancy in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development;study,information and consulting regarding respect and improvement of working conditions,namely personnel management consultancy,conducting social surveys,human resources management.」
第36類「Insurance underwriting;Financial consultancy;financial evaluation [insurance,banking,real estate];financial management;capital investments;exchange money;fund investments;securities brokerage;stocks and bonds brokerage;issuing of travellers’ cheques and tokens of value,credit card services,issuance and distribution of tickets,coupons or any other means of payment or of exchange;information and consultancy for third parties in financial and fiscal matters,as well as in the field of insurance;information on financial products,in particular schemes involving stock options or convertible bonds,salary savings schemes;information and consultancy for third parties concerning real estate.」
第41類「Organization of seminars.」
第43類「Hotel services,providing food and drink;temporary accommodation;operation of motels,restaurants,cafeterias,tea rooms and bars (except for clubs);reservation of hotel rooms for travellers;consulting and advice (unrelated to business dealings) in the hotel industry and relating to provision of food and drink;hotel services,in particular supply of sanitary articles and cosmetics,hair-dryers,bath linen and bed linen,clothing such dressing gowns and slippers and waxing articles;day nurseries;rental of rooms for receptions,conferences,seminars,exhibitions and meetings;rental of chairs,tables,table linen and glassware.」
審決日 2011-05-30 
国際登録番号 0953507 
審決分類 T 1 8・ 18- WY (X091635364143)
T 1 8・ 26- WY (X091635364143)
最終処分 成立  
前審関与審査官 八木橋 正雄 
特許庁審判長 野口 美代子
特許庁審判官 井出 英一郎
大森 友子
商標の称呼 アコー、アコール 
代理人 幡 茂良 
代理人 石川 義雄 
代理人 小出 俊實 
代理人 蔵田 昌俊 
代理人 河野 哲 
代理人 吉田 親司 
代理人 橋本 良樹 
代理人 潮崎 宗 

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