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審決分類 審判 査定不服 商6条一商標一出願 取り消して登録 X09164144
審判 査定不服 商3条柱書 業務尾記載 取り消して登録 X09164144
管理番号 1230241 
審判番号 不服2010-650048 
総通号数 134 
発行国 日本国特許庁(JP) 
公報種別 商標審決公報 
発行日 2011-02-25 
種別 拒絶査定不服の審決 
審判請求日 2010-05-07 
確定日 2010-11-10 
事件の表示 国際登録第966160号に係る国際商標登録出願の拒絶査定に対する審判事件について、次のとおり審決する。 
結論 原査定を取り消す。 本願商標は、登録すべきものとする。
理由 1 本願商標
2 原査定の拒絶の理由の要点
3 当審の判断
別掲 【別記】

第9類「CD’s,CD-ROMs,DVD’s,videos,audio tapes and other media for electronically storing information and data,including pre-recorded CD’s,CD-ROMs,DVD’s,videos,audio tapes and other similar media containing information,data or other content relating to health,healthcare,nutrition,diet,weight loss,exercise and fitness;audio-visual teaching apparatus;multi-media discs and publications;multi-media recordings and publications;digital recordings and publications;electronic publications (including those distributed over the Internet),including electronic magazines,newsletters,journals,books,recipes,manuals,diaries,calendars,charts,photographs and screensavers;computer software and computer programs,including such software and programs relating to health,healthcare,nutrition,diet,weight loss,exercise and fitness;communications apparatus and instruments;equipment and apparatus for recording,reproducing,playing and/or transmitting data,voice,videos,music and other content;electronic equipment and apparatus including such equipment and apparatus for monitoring exercise,fitness,health,diets and/or weight loss;sunglasses;parts,fittings and accessories,included in this class,for all the aforesaid goods.」
第16類「Paper;cardboard;coasters of paper,face towels of paper,table napkins of paper,coffee filters of paper,table linen of paper;cardboard articles;printed publications and printed matter,including magazines,newsletters,journals,books,recipes,manuals,diaries,calendars,charts,albums,photographs,posters and stickers;stationery;instructional and teaching materials included in this class,including such materials relating to health,healthcare,nutrition,diet,weight loss,exercise and fitness;cards including greeting cards;paper tableware including tablecloths,table covers,mats,coasters and napkins;parts,fittings and accessories,included in this class,for the aforesaid goods.」
第41類「Education,training,entertainment,exercise,instruction and information services,including such services relating to health,healthcare,nutrition,diet,weight loss,exercise and fitness;production and presentation of programs for radio,television,the Internet or for distribution on pre-recorded media such as CD’s,CD-ROMs,DVD’s,videos,audio tapes or memory cards,including such programs relating to health,healthcare,nutrition,diet,weight loss,exercise and fitness;provision of diet,weight loss,nutritional and exercise guidance and instruction;organization and management of competitions (relating to education,training,entertainment,exercise or information),including such competitions conducted over the radio,television or the Internet;publication and publishing services,including the publishing of magazines,newsletters,journals,books,recipes,manuals,diaries,calendars,charts,albums,photographs,posters and stickers;on-line publication services including the publication of electronic magazines,newsletters,journals,books,recipes,manuals,diaries,calendars,charts,photographs and screensavers,in both downloadable and non-downloadable form;advisory,consultancy,counselling and information services in relation to the aforementioned services,including such services provided over the Internet.」
第44類「Healthcare services,including such services relating to nutrition,diet,weight loss,exercise and fitness;health management services,including such services relating to nutrition,diet,weight loss,exercise and fitness;hosting meetings or discussion relating to healthcare,nutrition,diet,weight loss,exercise and fitness;development,implementation,management and supervision of personal weight reduction,fitness and/or exercise programs;group therapy and group support services including such services relating to healthcare,nutrition,diet,weight loss,exercise and fitness;health,exercise and/or weight control evaluation and treatment;the provision of information in relation to healthcare providers;advisory,consultancy,counseling and information services relating to the aforementioned services,including such services provided over the Internet.」
審決日 2010-10-28 
国際登録番号 0966160 
審決分類 T 1 8・ 18- WY (X09164144)
T 1 8・ 91- WY (X09164144)
最終処分 成立  
前審関与審査官 白倉 理 
特許庁審判長 野口 美代子
特許庁審判官 井出 英一郎
板谷 玲子
商標の称呼 ザクリックダイエット、クリックダイエット、クリック、ダイエット 
代理人 飯田 伸行 

プライバシーポリシー   セキュリティーポリシー   運営会社概要   サービスに関しての問い合わせ