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審決分類 審判 査定不服 商6条一商標一出願 取り消して登録 Y0935384142
管理番号 1230219 
審判番号 不服2008-650125 
総通号数 134 
発行国 日本国特許庁(JP) 
公報種別 商標審決公報 
発行日 2011-02-25 
種別 拒絶査定不服の審決 
審判請求日 2008-09-22 
確定日 2010-12-01 
事件の表示 国際登録第917950号に係る国際商標登録出願の拒絶査定に対する審判事件について、次のとおり審決する。 
結論 原査定を取り消す。 本願商標は、登録すべきものとする。
理由 1 本願商標
2 原査定の拒絶の理由の要点
3 当審の判断
別掲 別掲
第9類「Telecommunication (network) apparatus and interfaces;registered computer programs;apparatus for recording,transferring and decoding and restoring of sound and image;magnetic and optic data carriers and sound carriers among which (integrated) MP3 players;magnetic and optic data carriers among which (intergrated) photo cameras;computer chips;chip cards and sim-cards;(mobile) telephone apparatus;answering machines.」
第35類「Advertising;administration of commercial matters;business administration;business management;personal recruitment;organisation of promotional activities;organisation of fairs and exhibitions for publicity and commercial purposes.」
第38類「Telecommunication;providing access to the Internet;electronic data transfer;information concerning rental of telecommunication apparatus and peripherals.」
第41類「Education en relaxation,amongst which is included education,training,courses and seminars like school television;producing and carrying out of TV programmes,movies and videos performing of music and (amusement) programmes;education on adapting and actualising of (tele) communication- and automation concepts and programmes,as well of software in relation to networks.
第42類「Technical advise in relation to the installation of computer software;technical advises in relation to designing,developing,installing of (tele) communication- and automation (network) apparatus and interfaces,software implementation;technical advises,possible through helpdesks,in relation to computer software and hardware,amongst which in relation to the installation of computer software;installation of computer programmes (software);providing of computer hardware and software needed for transferring of data and installing and managing of websites and other on-line media;professional consultancy in the field of telecommunication systems and computer software for databases;designing,writing,adapting and actualizing of telecommunication and computerization concepts and software;installing,maintaining and updating of computer software.」
審決日 2010-11-18 
国際登録番号 0917950 
審決分類 T 1 8・ 91- WY (Y0935384142)
最終処分 成立  
前審関与審査官 大森 友子 
特許庁審判長 野口 美代子
特許庁審判官 大塚 順子
井出 英一郎
商標の称呼 ケイピイエヌ 
代理人 柳生 征男 
代理人 青木 博通 
代理人 足立 泉 
代理人 中田 和博 
代理人 片山 礼介 

プライバシーポリシー   セキュリティーポリシー   運営会社概要   サービスに関しての問い合わせ