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審決分類 審判 査定不服 商3条1項5号 簡単でありふれたもの 登録しない Y073537394041424445
審判 査定不服 商3条2項 使用による自他商品の識別力 登録しない Y073537394041424445
管理番号 1221575 
審判番号 不服2008-650148 
総通号数 129 
発行国 日本国特許庁(JP) 
公報種別 商標審決公報 
発行日 2010-09-24 
種別 拒絶査定不服の審決 
審判請求日 2008-10-15 
確定日 2010-05-27 
事件の表示 国際登録第910197号に係る国際商標登録出願の拒絶査定に対する審判事件について,次のとおり審決する。 
結論 本件審判の請求は,成り立たない。
理由 1 本願商標
本願商標は,「GE」の2字のローマ字からなり,第7類,第35類,第37類,第39類,第40類,第41類,第42類,第44類及び第45類に属する国際登録において指定された商品及び役務を指定商品及び指定役務として,2005年6月24日に,United States of Americaにおいてした商標登録出願に基づいてパリ条約第4条による優先権を主張し,2005年(平成17)11月9日に国際商標登録出願されたものであり,その後,指定商品及び指定役務については,2008(平成20)年3月17日付け手続補正書により別掲のとおりに補正されているものである。
2 原査定の拒絶の理由
3 当審の判断
別掲 (別掲)
Filters for micro particles in fluids,liquid filtering separators,and gas-liquid filtering separators;apparatus in the nature of filters for removing solids,liquids,and vapors from gases.
Supply chain management and consulting services in the areas of sourcing and procurement for chemical products and services,management of product inventory and supply,and cost containment;marketing,cost and pricing analysis relating to electrochemical liquid purification units for use in the industrial sector.
Chemical cleaning services for glass-lined reactor vessels used in the chemical and pharmaceutical processing industries;maintenance services for heat transfer systems and condensers;maintenance and repair services in the field of computerized cooling system equipment;technical support services,namely,troubleshooting of problems with computer hardware,video and electronic communication hardware.
Chemical delivery,storage and load-handling services in the field of water treatment and pulp and paper making processes.
Water treatment-related services,namely,desalination,purification and conditioning,cleaning of ion exchange resins;membrane regeneration services;consulting relating to electrochemical liquid purification units for use in the industrial sector;operation of apparatus and instruments used in water and wastewater treatment systems on behalf of others;consulting services in the fields of water treatment used in particularly aqueous systems,cooling water systems,industrial boiler water systems,industrial water and process systems,industrial fuel processing systems,pulp and papermaking systems,and metal and plastic processing systems;providing information to others,over a global computer network,relating to industrial water purification systems.
Educational services in the field of medical imaging and diagnostics;holding seminars,conferences,symposiums or workshops relating to the pharmaceutical industry,for medical practitioners and employees of pharmaceutical companies;educational services in the filed of life science and biotechnology for scientists and researchers;conducting seminars related to industrial water treatment problems;providing training services for all the aforesaid.
Consultancy services relating to chemical research;consultancy services relating to the discovery and evaluation of drugs and compounds having diagnostic properties;consultancy services relating to methods for diagnosis using laser based optical systems;analyte screening assays for drug developments;Testing or research or consultancy on biotechnology;technical support services for factory automation computer programs;maintenance of computer programs and providing periodic upgrades of the programs;custom design of computer for security access;design and consulting services in connection with the configuration of apparatus and instruments used in applications supporting fiber optic technology;technical support services,namely,troubleshooting of problems with computer software;technical consultation services for hardware and software programs of computers used in connection with security and access systems(computer services);custom design of security systems,access systems,and tangible asset and inventory monitoring systems;research and testing services for fluid separation and membrane testing;engineering and engineering services and technical support services related to the design and configuration of computer software and hardware systems to be used in the treatment of aqueous systems and in the treatment of pulp and papermaking systems,petroleum and petrochemical processing systems,and metal and plastic finishing operations;design of treatment systems of water and wastewater;identifying and controlling microbiological organisms;chemical control services relating to the feeding of treatment chemicals to industrial water systems;consultancy services relating to pharmaceutical research;advisory services related to all the aforesaid.
Consultancy services relating to medical and diagnostic imaging;consultancy services relating to diagnostic,prophylactic and therapeutic properties of pharmaceuticals;medical information services;imaging services for medical purposes;medical diagnostic services;advisory services related to all the aforesaid.
Technical consultation services for surveillance cameras.
審理終結日 2009-12-22 
結審通知日 2010-01-04 
審決日 2010-01-15 
国際登録番号 0910197 
審決分類 T 1 8・ 17- Z (Y073537394041424445)
T 1 8・ 15- Z (Y073537394041424445)
最終処分 不成立  
前審関与審査官 八木橋 正雄 
特許庁審判長 小林 由美子
特許庁審判官 木村 一弘
瀧本 佐代子
商標の称呼 ジイイイ 
代理人 松本 研一 

プライバシーポリシー   セキュリティーポリシー   運営会社概要   サービスに関しての問い合わせ