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審決分類 審判 査定不服 称呼類似 登録しない Y03051025
管理番号 1205325 
審判番号 不服2007-650008 
総通号数 119 
発行国 日本国特許庁(JP) 
公報種別 商標審決公報 
発行日 2009-11-27 
種別 拒絶査定不服の審決 
審判請求日 2007-02-06 
確定日 2009-08-04 
事件の表示 国際登録第833145号に係る国際商標登録出願の拒絶査定に対する審判事件について、次のとおり審決する。 
結論 本件審判の請求は、成り立たない。
理由 1 本願商標
本願商標は、別掲1のとおりの構成よりなり、第3類、第5類、第10類及び第25類に属する国際登録において指定された商品を指定商品として、2004年2月18日に国際登録されたものである。そして、指定商品については、平成17年6月3日付け手続補正書により、第3類「Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use;cleaning,polishing,scouring and abrasive preparations;soaps,perfumery,essential oils,cosmetics,hair lotions;dentifrices;ointments,non-medicated preparations for the care of the feet,body and skin and for adornment;creams,gels,lotions,oils,balsams,powders,talcum powders and sprays for use on the feet,body and skin;non-medicated preparations for the treatment,care,cleansing,soothing,revitalizing and relaxing of the feet,body and skin;non-medicated preparations for the bath in the form of salts,oils and soaks;soaks in the form of tablets;non-medicated toilet preparations;deodorising creams,gels,lotions,powers,talcum powders and sprays;deodorants impregnated into insoles;perspiration deodorants;deodorants for the feet.」、第5類「Pharmaceuticals,medicinal,veterinary and sanitary preparations and products;sanitary preparations for medical purposes;dietetic substances adapted for medical use,food for babies;pharmaceutical drugs;medicinal tinctures;medicated preparations for the care of the feet,body and skin;medicated creams,gels,lotions,oils,balsams,powders,talcum powders and sprays for use on the feet,body and skin;medicated or therapeutic preparations for the treatment of the feet,body and skin;medicinal and therapeutic preparations and additives for the bath in the form of salts,oils and soaks;soaks in the form of tablets;medicinal liquids for massaging;medicated toilet preparations;Anthelotic;preparations for chilblains;medicated or therapeutic preparations for the prevention of inflammation of the toes and of the thickening of skin calluses;preparations for curing ingrown toe nails;body pads including medicines;shoe insoles including medicines;materials for dressings,plasters,ring-shaped plaster,ring-shaped cushion for foot corn,adhesive plasters,bandaging materials,bandages;disinfectant preparations,antiseptic products;anti-fungal substances;materials including antifungal substances;bandages for wounds;breast-nursing pads;fungicides,herbicides.」、第10類「Surgical,medical,orthopaedic,orthotic,chiropody,foot care,dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments;artificial limbs,eyes and teeth;means for fixing of artificial limbs;suture materials;instruments,equipment and means for hygiene,orthopaedics and for the treatment and care of the feet and skin;cushions for care of the feet;aids for the correction of the feet including supports for the arch of the foot;means for the separation and the straightening of the toes;protective means against the hardening of areas of skin calluses and inflammation of the toes;cushions for heels for medical use;cushions of under-heels for medical use;protection for metatarsals;metatarsal cushions for medical use;boot inserts and foot supports;shoe insoles for medical use,orthopaedic insoles,disposable shoe-insoles for medical use,deodorized insoles for orthopaedic footwear;compression hosiery;graduated compression hosiery;medical support hosiery;orthopaedic and therapeutic hosiery;hosiery for medical,surgical and/or prophylactic purposes;medical and surgical socks;stockings for varicose veins;means for exercising the foot;orthopaedic articles;instruments and apparatus for placing bandages;means for the fixing of fingers and toes;elastic bandages for joints,elastic gaiters,elastic knee-joints,elastic bandages,bandages for the waist,bandages for orthopaedic purposes;means for examining and taking impressions of the feet;body massagers;esthetic massage apparatus for industrial purposes;medical apparatus for medical purposes;electric massage apparatus for household use;massaging tools for foot;therapeutic apparatus and appliances for massaging and/or bathing.」及び第25類「Clothing,footwear;fittings for footwear,hygienic footwear,including shoes,slippers,boots,sandals,clogs;long and short stockings;shoe soles;insoles for footwear;cushioned insoles for footwear;hosiery.」と補正されたものである。
2 原査定において引用した商標
3 当審の判断
別掲 【別記】

審理終結日 2009-03-10 
結審通知日 2009-03-12 
審決日 2009-03-24 
国際登録番号 0833145 
審決分類 T 1 8・ 262- Z (Y03051025)
最終処分 不成立  
前審関与審査官 大島 勉 
特許庁審判長 井岡 賢一
特許庁審判官 豊田 純一
井出 英一郎
商標の称呼 ドクターショール、ドクタースコール、ショール、スコール 
代理人 小栗 昌平 

プライバシーポリシー   セキュリティーポリシー   運営会社概要   サービスに関しての問い合わせ